Mr. Wannabe | Sex: My class

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My class

1.My Strick teacher

my teacher has never walked out of the class without being angry or stresed ou.I guess,its becouse my class makes too much noises when the teacher is trying to teach.My Teacher would ye and scold my classmate who lough loudly at my teacher,my teacher always shout to get class attention..some even get shocked because of it.Is my clas teacher really fearful or my classmaste really naughty..

2.Student When...
When the student are given letter meant for their paresnt,50% of them will be made into paper eroplanes,20% will be trown into the rubbish bin,15% will be left under the school tables.another 10% will be left to rot in student's bags,and only 5% make it to parents

3.Not in class when the teacher..?
40.2% of the class be in during a free period.Found lurking in the coridors,10% in another class,5% in the school canteen. and finally 0.2% will be running around

4.My Class is Place for...
A place for eat,sleep,gossif the teachers
p,backstab,throw parties,take exam etc.But mostly pitiful students in my class are made to stick their bottoms on the chair,tape their moust shut for about 6 hours and listen to the incoherent rambling o

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