Mr. Wannabe | Sex: Federline Busted!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Federline Busted!!!

In fine Federline fashion, Cameron Federline (younger brother to the infamous Kevin Federline) was arrested last month after throwing a righteous party for a group of underage friends. Yesterday, at his arraignment, Cameron was charged with "providing liquor to minors" (his other underage partygoers), "illegal possession of alcohol by a minor" and "illegal possession of alcohol by a minor by consumption" (he was drinking, as well) and was sentenced to a 5-day stint in the big house:

According to records obtained by Star from Pendleton Municipal Court, 20-year-old Cameron — a minor by local law — was arrested by members of the Pendleton Police Department at midnight on March 4, during a raucous party at his family home. At an April 3 court appearance, Federline pled guilty to the charges of "providing liquor to minors" (his other underage partygoers), "illegal possession of alcohol by a minor" and "illegal possession of alcohol by a minor by consumption" (he was drinking, as well). Cameron was sentenced to 90 days in jail, 85 of which were suspended under the condition that he have no new arrests in one year, pay a $708 fine, and attend a victim's impact panel on alcohol abuse. He immediately began serving his five-day jail sentence, and was scheduled for release on April 7.

Of all the Federlines I know, this one was the last one that I would imagine having trouble with the law -- he's the one that graduated! OY! Something tells me that will not be the last arrest and conviction to be enjoyed by the Federline family. [Source]

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