Mr. Wannabe | Sex: Wannabe Popular

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wannabe Popular

There is this cute popular boy who sits beside me. Sometimes he looks off my paper when he doesn't know how to do his work. Afterwards, he is nice to me and treats me like I'm popular. Once I told him no, and he got upset! Should I let him look off my paper and be cool, or not?

-Wannabe Popular

Popular or not, it's definitely not cool to cheat, and that's just what this boy is doing. He's also using you by being nice only when you let him copy your paper, and that's not cool, either! You know in your heart what's right: Everyone should do his own work. If it's just too hard to say no to him, ask your teacher (in private!) to move you to a different seat so you're not constantly faced with this dilemma. Good luck! source DG

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