Mr. Wannabe | Sex: MOM?

Thursday, February 22, 2007


My mom said I should get the rollers that don't use heat(obviously for girls with wavy hair already just want the perfect curls without damaging their hair with the heat) Where can I buy them, what are they called and how much are they? -Thanks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have wavy hair and, in my experience, no rollers will make your hair look good. It looks fake and ridiculous. Okay, this is going to sound really weird, but I put curl enhancing gel in my wet hair at night and then sleep with it in a beanie. That's right--a beanie. The next morning I put curl enhancing hair spray in and scrunch it a a little. It lasts all day. I hope this helps. Oh, by the way, I use Pantene Curl Collections that you can get just about anywhere. Both the gel and the spray are $3.50.