House Party Hosts Jealous
Elenore is a 25 Year old who likes to go to house parties. She was a very beautiful girl and a social queen. She had many friends and just as many enemies. She is very outgoing and speaks her mind, even when it is clear that what she says is offensive to others.
She is particularly disliked by some of her female counterparts who accused her of trying to take their male friends. The truth is, they are just jealous of her beauty and used that as a cover. She always dressed sexy and when she came into a party it was hard not to notice her. She was very friendly to everyone, which gave the appearance of flirting.
There was one young lady named Doretta, who particularly resented Elenore. Every time Elenore came around, her boy friend would loose interest in her. She had confronted Elenore several times but Elenore just ignored her, and went on about her business. Elenore was not interested in her boy friend and the guy knew it.
Doretta on the other hand swore that Elenore was trying to take him. One night, Elenore went to a house party for a new guy in town. When she got there, she walked into the room and she saw many of her other friends. She also saw Doretta and her boyfriend. As usual she lit up the room.
Dorettas boyfriend excused himself, so he could say hello to Elenore. This made Doretta furious. She followed him. He said how are you doing Elenore? She said fine thanks. That was the end of it. Doretta was in the distance giving Elenore an evil look. Later that evening the party was going great. Everyone was having a good time.
Doretta kept a close eye Elenore. She noticed Elenore had a drink in her hands. At that moment, she got an idea of how to get even with Elenore. She put some white powder in a cup and poured a drink on top of it. She told her boy friend to take it over to Elenore. He was confused but he readily agreed.
It would give him a chance to see her one more time. He took the drink to Elenore. She said thanks and he left. Later that night Elenore started to feel funny. She thought, I just need some fresh air, so she stepped outside on the balcony. Doretta followed her. By this time Elenore was really feeling bad and very dizzy.
She was barely holding onto the railing. Doretta walked over to her and asked if she was all right. Elenore reached out to Doretta. Doretta gave her arm a twist and over the railing she went 2 stories to the ground. Doretta just quietly walked back inside. She knew the fall would not kill Elenore but it would give her some bruises.
She also knew that the drug she put in the drink would make her forget everything. Elenore was taken to the hospital. She had suffered some bruised ribs and had cuts and scars on her face. Blood tests also revealed a high level of a date rape drug in her body. Because there was so many people there, nobody was ever charged for the crime. Most of the suspicion did however fall on Doretta.
If you attend parties or frequent clubs be aware of your surroundings. Never under any circumstances leave and come back to finish a drink. It only takes a few minutes for someone to drug it. Always have a self defense plan in mind in case of an emergency.
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