Excellent Physical Conditioning Not Good For Muscle Bound Idiot
Judy was a 25 year old female aerobics instructor. She was in excellent physical condition. She was a very beautiful woman. She was not muscular, but she had a natural feminine flare. She was the envy of all the women in her class and the women of every guys dreams. She had an exboyfriend named Troy who was very jealous.
She had broken up with him a few weeks ago and was trying to get on with her life. He was not completely over her. He hated to see her talk to any other guy and he was not afraid to let her know it. He was a very muscular fellow, but not in the best aerobic condition. He was more into packing on the muscles than aerobics.
He just did not want to let her go. One day while she was teaching an aerobics class, Troy interrupted. He made a scene and Judy finally had to let her students reschedule the class. When she and Troy were alone in the room they argued. Some of the students over heard Troy say, if he could not have her then no one would.
He turned and left the room in a rage. The students tried to convince Judy to report him. She was so nice that she just wanted to forget it. Later that evening, Judy was about to leave the gym for home. She packed her stuff and walked out into the parking lot. She saw Troy in the parking lot. He hastily moved toward Judy.
He said, Judy when are you going to stop this nonsense and come back to me. She said, I have told you a million times it is over and I mean it, now move. Something must have triggered in Troy. He grabbed Judy around her neck with his massive hands and started to choke her. She struggled but it was no use.
Then she remembered something about defending herself. She kneed Troy in the groin, which broke his attack, and she ran. He regained composure and proceeded to chase her. Luckily she was in excellent aerobic condition and was able to out run him and get help. She reported the incident to police and Troy was arrested. Her excellent physical conditioning had probably saved her life.
You should always stay in the best physical condition possible. Excellent physical conditioning will help ward off attackers. When an opportunity to escape presents itself you may have to flee. If you are in better shape than your attacker you will have a better chance of escape. Not every one is in tiptop physical conditioning, so you will have to come up with alternatives to defend yourself.
During any attack or assault there will be many opportunities to escape. You must recognize them and utilized every method at your disposal. Your goal is not to defeat the criminal, but to allow yourself time to escape. When physical conditioning is not on your side, choose other ways to defend yourself. The list is never ending. Always have a self defense strategy in mind in case of emergency.
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