Mr. Wannabe | Sex: Paris Hilton is Going to Jail

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Paris Hilton is Going to Jail

The swift wheels of justice landed a very serious blow to partygirl Paris Hilton late this afternoon when she was sentenced to spend 45 days in jail for violating her probation punishment stemming from her DUI arrest late last year. The judge, who was not at all interested in hearing excuses, ruled out any chance that she be sentenced to any punishment other than imprisonment. Honestly, I never thought I'd see the day ... but Paris Hilton is going to jail, y'all. Here is a courtroom sketch and pictures of Paris on her way into and out of court today:

A judge sentenced Paris Hilton to 45 days in county jail Friday for violating her probation, putting the brakes on the hotel heiress's famous high life. Hilton, who parlayed her name and relentless partying into worldwide notoriety, must go to jail by June 5. She will not be allowed any work release, furloughs, use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled after a hearing. The judge, saying "there's no doubt she knew her license had been suspended," ruled that she was in violation of the terms of her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case. "I'm very sorry, and from now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything. I'm sorry, and I did not do it on purpose at all," she told the judge before he announced the sentence. She was then ordered to report to a women's jail in suburban Lynwood by the set date or face 90 days behind bars. The judge's ruling excluded her from paying to serve time in a jail of her choice, as some violators are allowed to do. As a city prosecutor said during closing arguments that Hilton deserved jail time, Hilton's mother, Kathy, laughed. When the judge ruled, Kathy Hilton then blurted out: "May I have your autograph?" Paris Hilton was among a series of witnesses who took the stand during the hearing. She testified she believed her license was initially suspended for 30 days and that she was allowed to drive for work purposes during the next 90 days ... Also called to the stand was Hilton's spokesman, Elliot Mintz. Hilton and her attorneys characterized Mintz as a liaison between Hilton and her lawyers. Mintz testified that to his knowledge Hilton did not drive during the 30-day period. He said he then advised her that he believed her license was no longer suspended. The judge called Mintz's testimony worthless and expressed disbelief at Hilton's excuse. "I can't believe that either attorney did not tell her that the suspension had been upheld," the judge said. "She wanted to disregard everything that was said and continue to drive no matter what." Hilton looked forward and didn't speak to news media as she left court with her mother. When a reporter asked what she thought of the judge's decision, a visibly angry Kathy Hilton responded: "What do you think? This is pathetic and disgusting, a waste of taxpayer money with all this nonsense. This is a joke." Wow! I am in utter disbelief ... at best, I figured that she would get a tether for house arrest. Paris is going to JAIL! For more than a month, Paris Hilton will be wearing a fluorescent orange jumpsuit instead of her trademark designer duds. I love that the judge called Elliot Mintz's testimony "worthless". It really sounds like this judge was absolutely and totally fed up with all excuses and feigned ignorance. It's so sad that mother Kathy Hilton feels that she must express her anger at the court system for holding her daughter accountable for her actions ... tho, I suppose it really should come as no surprise -- Mama Hilton never held her daughter accountable for anything and that's prolly why she's in the predicament that she's in. Something tells me that June 5th is going to come all too quickly for poor Paris. [Source]

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